Me, Myself, and My Identity

Little Green Bug
3 min readJul 14, 2021


My Anonymous Identity

Hello, this is my first story that i ever published in the world of writing. I am an anonymous writer in here and i will use these platforms to become my life diary, sorry :”). I think that maybe i will also publish more stories in this account rather than my main one haha.

I choose to become an anonymous writer, here, in Medium, because i will share my personal diaries, some of my darkest secrets, social phenomenon in my perception, the life lesson that i have learned, and painful experiences that i have experienced. I am not ready, at least not now, when i am writing this, to share those secrets with people that i know, even with someone whom i share close bond with. Although, as time passes, i think i will let several people that i know in my real life regarding this blog. Well, if i do that, congratulations, you are one of the people that i really trust :).

Oh yeah, regarding the language that i will use, i do not know, but i think i will use english as my primary language to write. I am very comfortable in writing and expressing myself anonymously in english rather than my mother language. So yep, you know if english is not my mother language, so please forgive me if there are a lot of grammatical errors, non-effective sentences, and other mistakes in my writing.

I think i might as well telling a bit of myself. I have a deep interest in the field of language and psychology. I really think that mental health matters, really matters. Linguistic is also an important part of my identity, of who am i. Those reasons are why i want to become a linguist, spreading mental health awareness and studying deeper in the field of psychology.

I love reading. In fact i already read several books until i write this first blog. In several cases, i might write a review about the book that i have written, and sharing the knowledge that i got from that book. Who knows? maybe it can come in handy for you and me when i read my blog again. I also love alone time, because i can do a self-reflection. In fact, i identify myself as an extrovert, but i crave a lot of alone time to reflect to myself.

I do not know, whether my blog, my article in this platform will be beneficial for people or not (Although i really hope it can benefit people who also read this) because my primary objective of creating this account and publishing stories is for myself. This is one of my way to do self-reflection, reading my past thoughts, and sharing my perception and worries to this world.

Lastly, i am open for discussion. In fact, i love it. So, if you got anything to share with, but want to do it privately, you can contact and reach me via the e-mail of this account. I will love replying it, although i am sorry because sometimes, i might be really slow to respond due to my activities in real life. Nevertheless, you may contact me if you think you have anything interesting to discuss, life story to share, and anything (When i mean anything, i really mean it XD).

I think that is all from my first story. I only do small introduction of myself in now, but i might write something deeper, darker, and more interesting for the next one. Thank you peeps and see you in the next story :).



Little Green Bug

Hello peeps. I am an anonymous writer who loves to write about my experience, perception of social phenomenon, book review, and many more. Enjoy :)